Source code for nuka.hosts.base

# Copyright 2017 by Bearstech <>
# This file is part of nuka.
# nuka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# nuka is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with nuka. If not, see <>.

import os
import sys
import time
import asyncio
import resource
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import deque
from collections import OrderedDict

import nuka
from nuka import log
from nuka import process
from nuka.task import wait_for_boot
from nuka.task import get_task_from_stack
from nuka.task import destroy as destroy_task

RLIMIT_NOFILE = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (RLIMIT_NOFILE, RLIMIT_NOFILE))

[docs]class HostGroup(OrderedDict): """A dict like object to group hosts""" async def boot(self): raise NotImplementedError() async def destroy(self): # pragma: no cover hosts = list(self.values()) if hosts: return await asyncio.wait([destroy_task(h) for h in hosts]) def __repr__(self): return repr([k for k in self])
all_hosts = HostGroup() nuka.config['all_hosts'] = all_hosts class TimeIt(object): def __init__(self, host, task=None, **kwargs): if task is None: # pragma: no cover task = get_task_from_stack() kwargs['task'] = task self.start = None = host self.kwargs = kwargs def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.start = time.time() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):, **self.kwargs)
[docs]class BaseHost(object): provider = None processes_count = 0 stds = dict( stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) def __init__(self, hostname=None, port='22', **vars): if 'address' in vars: = self.hostname = vars.pop('address') else: = hostname.split('.', 1)[0] self.hostname = hostname = vars.get('name', self.vars = vars self.max_sessions = int(self.vars.pop('max_sessions', 10)) self.vars.setdefault('user', 'root') self.vars.setdefault('port', '22') self.vars.setdefault('use_sudo', False) self.vars.setdefault('archive_modes', ('x:gz',)) self.loop = vars.pop('loop', asyncio.get_event_loop()) self._sessions = deque() self._cancelled = False self._failed = None self._start = time.time() self._processes = {} self._tasks = [] self._named_tasks = {} self._task_times = [] self._start = time.time() self._log = None logger = self.vars.pop('logger', None) if logger is not None: # pragma: no cover self._log = logger self.fully_booted = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) all_hosts[] = self @property def log(self): if self._log is None: self._log = log.HostLogger(self) return self._log def add_task(self, task): self._tasks.append(task) def running_tasks(self): return [t for t in self._tasks if t.running()] def timeit(self, task=None, **kwargs): return TimeIt(self, task=task, **kwargs) def add_time(self, start=None, task=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('time', time.time() - start) if task is None: # pragma: no cover / maybe no longer required task = get_task_from_stack() if task is not None: kwargs.update(start=start, task=task) self._task_times.append(kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover self.log.warning("can't retrieve task\n{}".format(kwargs)) def cancel(self): for task in self.running_tasks(): if not task.done(): # pragma: no cover task.cancel() self._cancelled = True def cancelled(self): return self._cancelled def fail(self, exc): if not self._failed: self.cancel() self._failed = exc def failed(self): return self._failed def _get_best_addresses(self, public=True): hvars = self.vars key = public and 'public_ip' or 'private_ip' try: return hvars[key] except KeyError: pass ifaces = hvars.get('inventory', {}).get('ifaces', {}) for iface in sorted(ifaces.values(), key=itemgetter('index')): if not iface.get('macaddress'): # tunX continue for net in iface.get('inet', []): if iface['primary']: if net['is_private']: hvars['private_ip'] = net['address'] else: hvars['public_ip'] = net['address'] elif not net['is_private'] and 'public_ip' not in hvars: hvars['public_ip'] = net['address'] elif net['is_private'] and 'private_ip' not in hvars: hvars['private_ip'] = net['address'] return hvars.get(key) @property def public_ip(self): """return host's public ip""" return self._get_best_addresses(public=True) @property def private_ip(self): """return host's private ip""" return self._get_best_addresses(public=False) def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.vars[attr] def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): s = '<{0} {1}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, if self.cancelled(): s += ' cancelled' s += '>' return s @property def bootstrap_command(self): return self.vars.get('bootstrap_command')
[docs] async def boot(self): # pragma: no cover """boot the host""" return dict(rc=0)
[docs] async def get_inventory(self): # pragma: no cover """return host's inventory. await for host's boot & setup if needed""" if not self.fully_booted.done(): await wait_for_boot(self) return self.vars['inventory']
[docs] async def destroy(self): # pragma: no cover """destroy the host""" self.vars['destroyed'] = True return dict(rc=0)
async def acquire_session_slot(self): while self.processes_count > MAX_PROCESSES: self.log.debug5('wait for free fds') await asyncio.sleep(.5, loop=self.loop) sessions = self._sessions ll = len(sessions) if ll >= self.max_sessions: # pragma: no cover self.log.debug5('wait for a session') while ll >= self.max_sessions: if not self.cancelled(): await asyncio.sleep(.5, loop=self.loop) else: return sessions ll = len(sessions) self.__class__.processes_count += 1 sessions.append(1) def free_session_slot(self): self.__class__.processes_count -= 1 self._sessions.pop() async def create_process(self, cmd, task=None, **kwargs): if self.cancelled(): raise asyncio.CancelledError() process_cmd = self.wraps_command_line(cmd, **kwargs) proc = await process.create(process_cmd, self, task) return proc
[docs] async def run_command(self, cmd=None, stdin=None, task=None, **kwargs): """run a shell command on the remote host""" proc = await self.create_process(cmd, task) if stdin: proc.stdin.write(stdin) await proc.stdin.drain() # close_stdin is not recommended. we cant send signals after that # but it's usefull for testing if kwargs.get('close_stdin'): proc.stdin.close() stdout, stderr = await asyncio.gather(,, loop=self.loop) if kwargs.get('wait', True): await proc.wait() return dict(rc=proc.returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
async def send_messages(self, message): # pragma: no cover coros = [] for proc in self._processes.values(): try: coro = proc.send_message(message) except ConnectionResetError: pass else: coros.append(coro) if coros: try: await asyncio.wait(coros) except ConnectionResetError: pass @classmethod def from_stdin(cls): for line in sys.stdin: yield cls(hostname=line.strip())
[docs]class Host(BaseHost): """A host. Used by tasks as target""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not os.getenv('SSH_AUTH_SOCK'): self.log.warning('No SSH_AUTH_SOCK set. Your tasks may freeze') def wraps_command_line(self, cmd, **kwargs): ssh_user = kwargs.get('switch_ssh_user') if ssh_user is None: # we use the main user account switch_user = kwargs.get('switch_user') or 'root' if switch_user != 'root': if switch_user != self.vars['user']: # we have to use sudo args = (switch_user, cmd) if self.use_sudo: cmd = '{sudo} -u {0} {1}'.format(*args, **nuka.config) else: cmd = '{su} -c "{1}" {0}'.format(*args, **nuka.config) elif self.use_sudo: cmd = '{sudo} {0}'.format(cmd, **nuka.config) if ssh_user is None: ssh_user = self.vars['user'] ssh_cmd = ['ssh'] + nuka.config['ssh']['options'] + ['-l', ssh_user] if self.port: ssh_cmd.extend(['-p', self.port]) ssh_cmd.extend([self.hostname, cmd]) return ssh_cmd
class LocalHost(BaseHost): def __init__(self): super().__init__(hostname='localhost') def wraps_command_line(self, cmd, **kwargs): ssh_cmd = ['bash', '-c', cmd] return ssh_cmd class Chroot(BaseHost): def __init__(self, path): super().__init__(hostname=path.split('/')[-1]) self.path = path def wraps_command_line(self, cmd, **kwargs): ssh_cmd = ['chroot', self.path, 'bash', '-c', cmd] return ssh_cmd