Source code for nuka.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


.. autoclass:: secret


.. autofunction:: chmod


.. autofunction:: chown


.. autofunction:: makedirs

import io
import os
import sys
import time
import string
import logging
import threading
import subprocess

_write_lock = threading.Lock()

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

if not PY3:
    def next(o):
_next = next

    import zlib
except ImportError:
    zlib = None

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json  # NOQA

    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlretrieve  # NOQA

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO  # NOQA

    import importlib
except ImportError:
    importlib = None  # NOQA

LOG = 60
logging.addLevelName(LOG, 'LOG')
CHANGED = logging.WARNING + 1
logging.addLevelName(CHANGED, 'CHANGED')
PROGRESS = logging.WARNING + 2
logging.addLevelName(PROGRESS, 'PROGRESS')

def default_watcher(delay=5):
    def watcher(task, process):
        start = time.time()
        inc = delay
        while True:
            if task.is_alive(process):
                value = time.time() - start
                if value > inc:
                    inc += delay
                        'is running for {0}s'.format(int(value)),
                # process is dead
    return watcher

def import_module(name):
    if importlib is not None:
        return importlib.import_module(name)
    return __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [''])

[docs]def makedirs(dirname, mod=None, own=None): """create directories. return ``{'changed': True|False}``""" changed = False fut = '' dirname = dirname.rstrip('/') for p in dirname.split('/'): fut += p + '/' if not os.path.isdir(fut): os.makedirs(fut) changed = True if mod: chmod(fut, mod) if own: chown(fut, own) return dict(changed=changed)
[docs]def chmod(dst, mod, recursive=False): """chmod using command line""" if not os.path.exists(dst): raise OSError('{0} does not exist'.format(dst)) if isinstance(mod, int): if recursive: raise RuntimeError() os.chmod(dst, mod) else: cmd = ['chmod'] if recursive: cmd.append('-R') if isinstance(mod, (list, tuple)): mod = '{0}:{1}'.format(*mod) cmd.extend([mod, dst]) subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
[docs]def chown(dst, own, recursive=False): """chown using command line""" if not os.path.exists(dst): raise OSError('{0} does not exist'.format(dst)) cmd = ['chown'] if recursive: cmd.append('-R') if isinstance(own, (list, tuple)): own = '{0}:{1}'.format(*own) cmd.extend([own, dst]) subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def best_executable(): executables = [ '/usr/bin/python3.6', '/usr/bin/python3.5', '/usr/bin/python3.4', '/usr/bin/python2.7', ] for executable in executables: if os.path.isfile(executable): return executable return sys.executable def isexecutable(path): return os.access(path, os.X_OK)
[docs]class secret(object): """secret word generation:: >>> s = secret('something') >>> 'F)>x|o;J7sOhWV~F' >>> 'DP@:?|v%LaSB2v?b' You can use your own alphabet:: >>> s = secret('something', alphabet='abc') >>> 'bbbbcaaacacbbcbb' Or just ascii letters/digits:: >>> s = secret('something', alphabet='ascii') >>> 'FxoJ7sOhWVFYRN7v' You can also change the length:: >>> s = secret('something', alphabet='ascii', length=3) >>> 'Fxo' """ def __init__(self, value, alphabet=None, length=16): self.value = value if alphabet == 'ascii': valids = [ord(a) for a in string.ascii_letters] valids += [ord(a) for a in string.digits] elif alphabet is None: valids = list(range(33, 127)) else: valids = [ord(a) for a in alphabet] self.valids = [n for n in valids if n not in (34, 35, 39, 61, 92)] self.length = length self.iterator = self.iterator() def iterator(self): import hashlib i = 0 while True: pw = '' j = 0 i += 1 while len(pw) < self.length: j += 1 v = '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(self.value, i, j) h = hashlib.sha512(v.encode('utf8')) pw += ''.join(chr(c) for c in h.digest() if c in self.valids) yield pw[:self.length] def next(self): return next(self.iterator)
def proto_dumps(data, content_type=u'plain'): """json.dumps() with headers. py2/3 compat""" data = json.dumps(data) if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode('utf8') if content_type == u'zlib': if zlib is not None: data = zlib.compress(data) else: content_type = u'plain' headers = ( u'Content-type: {0}\nContent-Length: {1}\n' ).format(content_type, len(data)).encode('utf8') return headers + data def proto_dumps_std(data, std, content_type='plain'): """json.dumps() to std with headers. py2/3 compat""" data = proto_dumps(data, content_type=content_type) std = getattr(std, 'buffer', std) std.write(data) def proto_dumps_std_threadsafe(data, std): _write_lock.acquire() content_type = zlib is None and u'plain' or u'zlib' try: proto_dumps_std(data, std, content_type=content_type) std.flush() finally: _write_lock.release() def proto_loads_std(std): """json.loads() from std with headers. py2/3 compat""" if isinstance(std, bytes): std = io.BytesIO(std) else: std = getattr(std, 'buffer', std) content_type = std.readline() if isinstance(content_type, bytes): content_type = content_type.decode('utf8') try: content_type = content_type.split(':')[1].strip() except IndexError: raise ValueError(content_type) content_length = std.readline() if isinstance(content_length, bytes): content_length = content_length.decode('utf8') try: content_length = int(content_length.split(':')[1].strip()) except IndexError: raise ValueError(content_length) data = if content_type == 'zlib': data = zlib.decompress(data) if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode('utf8') try: data = json.loads(data) except ValueError: raise ValueError(data) return data